How to identify roll-coated aluminum composite panels and peritoneal aluminum composite panels?

1. The identification of the hand.

The surface of the coated aluminum gusset plate is the temperature of the plastic, and the hand feel is warmer; the surface temperature of the roller-coated aluminum gusset plate is the temperature of the metal, and the hand feel is cooler.

2. Listen to the sound identification.

Lightly hit the center of the laminated aluminum gusset, the laminated aluminum gusset will make a dull sound; tap the center of the roller-coated aluminum gusset, and the roller-coated aluminum gusset will make a crisper sound.

3. Identify with a pair of scissors.

Look at the edge of the board with a pair of scissors to see if it can be separated. If it is a laminated sheet, the surface film is easily separated by the scissors. If it is a roll-coated sheet, it can't be knocked off with a pair of scissors.